Fantasy FM started broadcasting from North London in August 1989 on 98.6 FM. They played Acid, Rave & Hardcore music, all of which was massive at the time, and was also dominating the mainstream music charts too, during the time Fantasy was on air.
During the early part of 1990, Fantasy changed frequency to 98.1 FM, which would remain their spot on the FM dial until they closed down in 1991. The reason for them closing down was so they could start broadcasting on Cable TV, which was new here in the UK at the time and was also carrying radio stations, although this plan never materialised in the end. They were also planning to apply for some new incremental FM licenses that the government at the time were due to advertise.
Fantasy had many DJ’s such as Hype, Krone, Rap, Spice, Tek and The Mystery Man. All the presenters had their own styles, some preferred to mix live on air with very little speech, others you’re more standard type of presenter, reading out requests/shout-outs etc, most of which came in via pager at the time.
Fantasy also used to hold rave nights at the Astoria nightclub in Charing Cross, London WC2. Some of the DJ’s who played at these events were Fabio & Grooverider, Colin Favor & Randall, as well as Fantasy DJ’s. These Rave nights carried on after the station had closed down in 1991.
Many thanks to Oldskool Lovers for some of the below recordings.
More on Fantasy FM can be found on these sites:
AM/FM Site
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