Now, Farpoint is an odd one.
When a station comes on, and you’re involved in pirate radio, you’ll generally have an idea about who is behind it and roughly from where it comes. But in Farpoint’s case, nobody seemed to know anything about it! They were also different from most other pirates in the type of music they played and their style of presentation.
The station used to operate for a couple of hours on Saturday and Sunday nights on 107.8 FM during the mid 90s. They played indie and rock music and used to feature details of live music around the Black Country in the gig guide. They also asked unsigned bands to send in demo tapes to the stations Dudley P.O. Box. These demos would then be played on air.
Then, one night, they suddenly announced that they were closing down. They said they would be back but they were never heard again.
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Farpoint Poster
Farpoint Flyer 1
Farpoint Flyer 2
Farpoint – Part 1 – 11/11/95 | 46 mins |
Farpoint – Part 2 – 11/11/95 | 46 mins |
Farpoint – 28/1/96 | 91 mins |
Farpoint – Last Broadcast – Feb 1996 | 83 mins |